Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The secret to happiness!!

SShhhh....you can't tell anyone, we wouldn't want a bunch of happy smiling people running around now would we? Of course not, because that would mean that people are actually happy! Here is the only thing you need to be happy...ready??....just be happy! That's it. There is nothing more and nothing less. I think that everything should be celebrated! And my favorite saying that is catching on with people is a simple truth; someones got to! Here's how you use this expression appropriately and without bias:
"Hey Stace, my bf/gf/best friend/cousin/aunt/uncle/niece/third cousin twice removed likes to play video games/is an idiot/shops in his underwear/likes to swim in a bowl of spaghetti etc. and all you can say is someones got to! It's like I tell Ethan when he gets mad about losing a game, I simply say,"Honey, just do the best you can, but remember losing is not an easy feat either, someones got to, otherwise there can't be a winner!" Someone has got to like everything or do something for everything to happen. My favorite saying when arming a car from another dealer, they'd say "Are you going to sell it?" And of course my response always was, "Someones got to!" Just remember that someones got to somewhere! Tell that to everyone you know whenever they say something that you may not like yourself and accept it! Then watch everyone laugh! Okay my second thing for this blog today, I had a birthday party a couple of weeks ago for Ethan at Chuckecheese and had an interesting experience..We had an excellent party host, and he and I were engaged in some "happy conversation" and he said something along the lines of not giving money to the hobo's that you see on the street because all they want to spend it on is drugs or alcohol. Now I have heard this said many times and without hesitation responded, "Well hell, if I were homeless I wouldn't want to be sober either! Can you imagine getting up everyday and saying man! I am so happy to be homeless today, lets see what kind of ridicule I can get today!"..I mean I'd want to forget that I was homeless too! Now, don't get me wrong, I don't condone drug or alcohol abuse but I can understand where they would be coming from, and that's assuming that they are using the money for such things. I can't help but think what if they really do need the help? You give and what they decide to do with it is on them and not on you. You give plenty so you can receive plenty. The more you can acquire and give away to others then the more you can receive for yourself. What can you give today to someone in need? I have family that spans the continental united states, that means we should all be doing something that can create happy feelings from coast to coast! What will you do? Give hugs, smiles, kisses to friends or family, write that long lost friend a note, tell everyone you love them, plant some flowers for a nice old lady (or man), sing happy songs, make a complete stranger smile, bake something delicious and give it away? Check back tomorrow!

Lots of love


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Missing the family

I can't help but miss everyone today. I woke up in a weird mood...I must say that it was much better the night before when I woke up in a cold sweat because I dreamt about a nuclear attack on the states and I watched it first hand. Talk about scary. There is a part of me that thinks its only a matter of time before it happens which thus leads me to be a bit more grateful for this land and for our military. Which could also be why I miss the family so much. I think about how separated everyone is right now and want it to only be a temporary separation, but each of us has made our own decisions and gone our own way. I look at the world around me and everything that makes us up as living creatures and can't help but think what in the world is going on? Not because I don't know why we are here, I just think what is wrong with people? It seems that we have lost everything that is good in precious and sacred in the eyes of God and are more lost than ever. Where is the respect for each other and for life. People always want to preach about peace but no one wants to practice it. If anyone truly wants world peace then they'd understand that true world peace can only exist when you yourself exist in peace in your own world. We are each living in this world but experience our own reality, find peace in yourself and help others a long the way and peace will continue to be prevalent and will have no choice but to spread. When we stop fighting for peace but find it, it will happen. We don't need to try to police people. People are who they are and we just need to except and respect that. Why? Because if we don't we are slowly bringing ourselves down thus ultimately leading to our own destruction. So whether you believe in God or science it doesn't matter. Evolution is about survival of the fittest and the continuation of life, and it seems to me that we must be missing something in the current state that we are in. How truly remarkable it is to be able to make conscious choices and to better ourselves and to experience life! That is our consciousness, yet we still have this sub conscious, which I choose to call higher conscious, which is the reason of our existence. We don't have to think about our heart beating, or remember to breath or to tell our brain and central nervous system when and how to respond. That higher conscious is perfect, in perfect working order in each of us. Imagine if we had to remember to breath with our conscious mind! I'm willing to bet that we would not be here. But each of us here that is living and breathing has this perfect system with in us. Thus making everyone perfect. When will we realize that we are all here for the same reason? Even in a smaller scheme of things; lets take dating for example. People are so afraid of rejection and have such a low self esteem, but let me ask you this (thanks Mike..) who do you know that is not afraid of rejection and has an excellent sense of self? I'm sure there are a few who may but as a general rule I think the opposite is true. So what do we all have to really be afraid of? I go around asking people what makes them happy and who they are and they can't answer me. It's sad. I mean of course I'm asking strangers that I meet at the grocery store, gym, neighbors, etc. but with enough of a relationship with them to merit that question. Most people can't answer it. Can you? I really do miss everyone today. I hope to see you guys soon. I love you, and we'll talk soon! Family reunion anyone?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's one of those days

Today is just one of those days. I had an interview today at 4. It went okay, they may or may not call back for a second interview. It's funny though, the job that I was applying for was to be a personal assistant to a man who was being sued by Oprah. The charges were eventually dropped, but imagine that...me, working for a man..that was or sort of was sued by Oprah, oh and Dr. Oz. It kind of makes me laugh. The other job I applied for, still a Larry H Miller company, haven't heard back anything. However, just now, I got a phone call for another interview tomorrow. I hope this one goes better. I need a job.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Family drama happened today, but I've decided that every family has drama. So, I don't really think its just my family, its everyone. The whole human race has some sort of drama. The kids didn't behave to great today either. It must be something in the air or quite possibly in the water. Maybe its the lack of air up here in the higher elevations. A full moon? I suppose the possibilities are endless. The battle of wits that comes with a 3 year old testing her limits. I remember going through that with Ethan. I suppose its only natural to occur with Haley. The cat was kind of a butt today too, but that's not entirely fair, he always is one. I talked to Phillip today. I hope that he heard me. I try talking to him often. I think we got in a little tiff once, he was telling me "how things are and always have been, and that's not allowed" and I was like, "allowed, puh lease, why not?" I think it went on for a few minutes until I realized I was trying to argue with a dead man. I suppose I should just listen more. I miss him. I think today I asked why did he have to go so soon. And who was going to tell me that everything is going to be alright and then hug and kiss me?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I decided today to let go of a crush. Have you ever just liked someone to have someone to like so you can tell everyone else to go away? I think he was one of those kind of crushes, an excuse one. I mean don't get me wrong, I like him and all, I just don't think that it would work. Not that it couldn't just that it wouldn't. Understand? Not that I wouldn't be willing to give it a shot either, just don't think I'll have the chance. It's all over the place. Kind of like me and my thoughts today. Could life be any better today? Honestly, I don't think so. It's just one of those days.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do you ever?

Do you ever just want to write? What? It doesn't matter. Just write. What you think and what you feel. Have you ever wanted to climb to the top of a mountain and just scream? Why? Because it just seems like a good idea. There is no other reason than that. Do you ever listen to a song that is so thought provoking that you can't help but get lost inside yourself and dream? Do you ever take a moment each day to truly reflect upon your life and how you got to where you are? Do you ever take a moment to be truly grateful for what it is you do have instead of what you don't? Something that is said and repeated over and over again but yet for some reason we don't. Are you ever moved by the way birds fly together? Does a full harvest moon take your breath away? Do you hear the silence of mountains? Do flowers make you dream? Does music speak to your soul? Do you see the beauty in simple things? Do you know that everyone is perfect just the way they are? Do you feel the energy that surrounds you? Do you know a child's love? Do you know who you are? Do you know your worth? What is strength? What makes you happy? What are you passionate about? What moves you? What drives you? What do you believe? Who are you? What are you? When will you?
Who am I?
A force of nature.
What am I?
How will I?
One step at a time.
When will I?
The power of one. One mind. One body. One spirit. My trinity.
"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate but that of which we are truly capable."
This is me. This is who I am. This is what I feel. This is what I do. This is what I know. This is what I want to share. This is my life.