Saturday, May 1, 2010

The time traveling husband?

The kids are playing in the bathtub, all three of them. My cat is on my lap and I am listening to the opening music of the movie "The Time Traveler's Wife." I feel as if right now my heart is traveling and transcending all time. I'm moving in and out of feeling. My kids having swim time in the bath tub because it's a rainy day and hearing their laughter and their tears from soap in their eyes, and all I can do is smile and write. I can only seam to think of my husband. I can imagine him here with us right now. I wonder where he is. I imagine that he can move in and out of time. I yearn for the feelings of my past and long for a future that I'll never know. In the movie I was just watching, the wife knows when the husband is going to die. I don't think I could know the exact moment that my husband would be taken from me. I would rather not know. But at the same time I'd want my last moments to be that of something marvelous, which only comes from knowing the exact moment. I can see why we may know that our time will be short but not knowing exactly when or how. It's funny what things do to people and what inspires them. My heart aches for all those around me who are suffering in their family and other personal relationships. I was in training last night and we were having some sort of round table therapy session, however, I was just listening. I was listening to my fellow co workers and friends talk about some of their personal issues and I could feel their heart beat and I could see their pain. I could only imagine hugging them and kissing them and holding them and crying with them. While I refrained from all of the above I did feel an immense amount of compassion and love for that of my fellow man. I see and hear all the stories of everyone around me. And then
I think that I am in the wrong business. If only I could make a living writing. That would be writing but without any kind of credentials or background. My only qualification (which I think is the best one of all) is that I am a normal person. Full of opinions and biased like everyone else. But a loving compassionate normal person full of loving opinions and a compassionate bias. Oh there is such a thing, because that's me. I think its funny how I write. I write like the whole world is reading my words. In a way they are and the universe is receiving them. But right now I can imagine everyone reading what I have to say. I imagine that it almost be something that everyone has to do. One of those they aren't sure why they do it, they just do. I've always written that way. I've never really ever wanted to hide anything from anyone. If you could learn from me and my mistakes and we could connect in some way, then I've done something good. Anyhow, I've digressed. Isn't that what the eternal nature of life? The transcendence of time? That time as we know it does not exist and as such the relationships that we are able to carry and maintain beyond the current realm of our existence?
My music is gone now. So the initial feeling that I had as I began this blog has begun to dwindle to a less emotional more logical thought process. Can you see where the transition took place? I kind of think its funny. Sometimes when I'm feeling something and I get carried away in the daydream, I wish that I could somehow magically transpose all of my thoughts immediately to paper before I forget them. Especially those things that I wish to remember for a long time to come. Then I wonder if I'll ever have another moment like that. A moment where I can feel so much and understand so much more and so much less at the same time. That is true enlightenment. I have a great day planned for today. Time to get back to the three people who mean the world to me. They are in the other room. Swim time is now over and they are coloring the most beautiful pictures. They are a beautiful picture.

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